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Peter Ablinger:
Permanente Stücke / Permanent Pieces

Liste permanenter Stücke / list of permanent pieces:

Weiss/Weisslich 27d ("für Winfried Ritsch"), IEM Graz, Österreich / a circle of 12 loudspeakers, walk-in installation

Das Arboretum in Seitelschlag / Ulrichsberg, Oberösterreich / tree plantations according to acoustic criterias

Kulisse, Wanderkarte / Scenery, A Walking Map, and a listening path, in 14 stations

Die Melodie, Klangarchiv / sound archive of about 300 recordings from Ulrichsberg and surroundings

Schilf, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin (zerstört 2021) / Reeds plantation as a sound piece (destroyed 2021)

Deus Cantando (God, singing), Ars Electronica Center, Linz / the speaking piano at Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria

Netzoper / net opera - a virtual (real) opera

C-A-G-E, a wind chime, at Sanatorio of Sounds, Sokołowsko, Poland

Weiss/Weisslich 29, 4x3 chairs, at Klangweg Toggenburg, Swizzerland

Listening Places / Pieces where nothing is installed but which still are - relatively - permanent:

Orte / a series of places with certain acoustic qualities related to white noise

Listening Piece in Four Parts / 4 Places, Los Angeles

Wiener Durchgangsstücke / Vienna Passage Pieces

Einen Tunnel passieren / passing a tunnel

Hotel Deutsches Haus, Berlin Kreuzberg / a street corner in Berlin

Alpensinfonie/ larch forest

Eichenquadrat/ a square of oak trees

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 31.07.2002 CET