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Peter Ablinger:
Weiss / Weisslich 13
Schallplatte / vinyl record (1995)

Auflage: 7 Stück, verschiedene Abspielgeschwindigkeiten, Rillenpressung ohne Klang, > Schallplatte

The piece is a vinyl record that has been pressed without sound in a limited edition of 7. The only sound that is emited therefore comes from the dust and scratches in its (very narrow) grooves. (Play loud!)

> listen to Weiss / Weisslich 13
see also
- the empty record in combination with instruments - in:

"The Orchestra", 2. Act of Cityopera
for sound example go to: THE ORCHESTRA, Intermezzo 11, "Record"

"The Audience", 7. Act of Cityopera
for sound and video example go to: THE AUDIENCE, SCENE 7a ("Dance")

"Piano and Record"

you can order the record at the publisher:
Bryan Eubanks, Gotzkowskystr. 15, D-10555 Berlin,
T: +49 / 176 / 47 39 29 97,

> Rauschen / White Noise, documentation

> Hinweisstücke / Reference Pieces

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 18.08.2002 CET